The Curious Case of the Irish Wolfhound


One of the Irish Wolfhound Charitable Trust’s main objectives is education and that remit extends to, not only the general public and potential and existing owners, but also to other groups and learning establishments. Some of our trustees have links with Nottingham Vet School and have attended breeder days and health testing sessions and also assisted with ‘Meet the Owners’ days arranged for vet students. Due to the popularity of the latter sessions, the format changed last year to video based learning, but the demand for a more interactive experience with Wolfhounds in attendance has never gone away. The IWCT was delighted last year when the staff at Liverpool Vet School accepted an offer to hold a solely Wolfhound based interactive session at the fabulous Veterinary Teaching Suite, hosted by the Liverpool Small Animal Veterinary Society (LSAVS). 

The Curious Case of the Irish Wolfhound event was held on Tuesday 13th March and was a huge success. Led by some of the IWCT trustees and friends and accompanied by 5 Irish Wolfhounds of varying ages, the veterinary students (mainly from years 1 and 2, with some year 3 students also present) enjoyed a presentation giving them an insight into the breed, both in terms of history, modern day hound traits and also learned about health issues/testing and veterinary support and research. The hounds in attendance were great ambassadors for the breed and mingled around the audience receiving a lot of fuss, attention and adoration. At the end of the more formal presentation there was an informal question and answer session and once again the hounds were happy to oblige and help with demonstrating the more quirkier side of the breed.

The IWCT hopes this will be the first of many similar sessions at veterinary universities and all trustees wish to extend their thanks and gratitude to the staff and students of the LSAVS and were thrilled by the exceptionally warm welcome they received and the completely unexpected generous donation to Charity funds.

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Dr Serena Brownlie PhD BVM&S MRCVS Cert SAC discusses heart testing

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